Checking In

consult encouragement Jan 25, 2024

Just Checking In... I love this offering from Twinkl. Page 6 is my #1 because I'm back into gratitude journaling for 2024 - my absolute favourite tool for finding peace. How often do we say/think "I'm fiiiinnnne!" with tight shoulders, furrowed brow, clenched jaw? If you're a home educating parent (or any parent/carer, let's face it), it's likely you're overwhelmed from time to time. And that doesn't mean you don't love your life, it just means that things are out of balance somewhere.

Please take care of you. Find the tools you need (like this printable from Twinkl, or my free printable 20 page workbook here), get support, be honest with yourself about your needs.

If you want to chat further about finding this balance, don't hesitate to book in with me at for a 1:1 session. I'll validate the heck out of your need to prioritise yourself, and we'll chat about homeschooling along the way!

Photo Credit: M Sessions / Unsplash - woman moving through a field of green grass


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